Archive for the 'Thoughts from Gregg' Category

Praying From The Heart - A Clarification for the Lost Mode of Prayer

Tuesday, January 14th, 2003

Praying From The Heart
A Clarification for the Lost Mode of Prayer

Posted January 14, 2003
Perhaps now, more than at any time in our history, the choices that we make in our lives have lasting effects, and global consequences, that will extend for hundreds of generations into our future. In light of the escalating global tensions, recent studies offer new hope, and renewed credibility to our most cherished traditions, suggesting that we may do something about the seemingly unending cycles of violence, and future of our world.

Statistics have shown that a specific number of people, joined in a focused, unified consciousness of non-denominational mass prayer, produce effects that extend well beyond the room or building where the prayer has occurred.

That number is the square root of 1% of the population involved. These studies add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that focusing our feelings of appreciation and gratitude, as if our prayers have already been answered, have a measurable effect on the quality of life during the time of the prayer.2 Following our description of this lost mode of prayer in the book, The Isaiah Effect3, your emails and phone calls have asked for further clarification as to precisely how to apply this prayer in our lives. Clearly there are no right or wrong ways to pray. In its simplest expression, prayer is the very personal and innate ability within each of us to commune with our world, one another, and a greater presence. The lost mode of prayer is simply one more tool to place into our prayer tool box.

Lost Mode of Prayer Described:
The lost mode of prayer is a form of prayer that has no words, no outward expression, and is based simply in feeling. Specifically, this mode of prayer invites us to feel the appreciation and gratitude in our heart, as if our prayers have already been answered, even if the world appears to show us otherwise.1

This is where clarity is important.
As evidence suggests that our world and our bodies mirror what we think/feel, we must be very clear that our prayers originate from our hearts, rather than in our heads.

Here is the reason why:
The logic of our brain works in polarity left brain/right brain, light/dark, good/bad, right/wrong, etc. Praying for something creates a strong feeling a charge of what should or should not be. The physics of our world require that when something is created with a charge in one polarity, the opposite must be created as well, to balance the charge.

What it means:
Head-based prayer:

When we pray for something, we are using a mental process of logic! While thought-based prayers for peace in Iraq, for example, may be well-intentioned and appear to create a temporary peace or healing in one place at one point in time, they may inadvertently create precisely the opposite of the peace that is intended, in another place, at another time!

Heart-based prayer:
Our hearts, on the other hand, have no polarity. In the Native traditions, there is even a word that describes the non-polar objectiveness of the heart, the heart that sees what is rather than judges what should be. The word is Shante Ishta (the single eye of the heart). When we choose peace or healing from our heart, there is no polarity created to balance our choice, as there is no left and right heart.

From our heart, the feeling is the prayer! Studies have shown that this quality of gratitude and appreciation for the peace that already exists creates a field effect in the presence of peace, all that can happen is peace.

To be very clear, this form of prayer is NOT directed at a place, person, organization, country, city or event. This mode of prayer does NOT attempt to make something happen, somewhere where we may not agree with what life is showing us. The ancients understood that to use prayer in this way is an abomination of our gift of communion with our world. To impose our idea of what should, or should not be anywhere in the world, or upon another person, is a form of manipulation, and a misuse of our gift of prayer.
Rather than praying for someone to win / lose , suffer or heal , we have the opportunity to feel the appreciation and gratitude for the peace and healing that already exists. The power of this kind of prayer transcends winners and loser inviting us to elevate the conditions of our world to a new realm beyond win/loss. In doing so, we open the door of a very subtle, yet powerful principle that allows for the possibility of peace/healing to be present without imposing our will to make it so.

If this clarification appears too wordy, please accept my sincere apologies. The principle is simple: In the presence of peace, all that can happen is peace.

You are invited to join us for an empowering moment of unity, peace, prayer and possibility. Through our time together, we offer the power of life to our children, and our world, both present and future. Many thanks in advance for your willingness to make our world a better place!!

Many Blessings of a true and lasting peace,

Gregg Braden

1. Please refer to THE LOST MODE OF PRAYER on Gregg Braden’s official web site,, for more information, and precise instructions for the practice of feeling-based prayer.

2. Scientists suspect that the relationship between mass prayer and the effect of those prayers is due to a phenomenon known as the field effect of consciousness. It is this field effect that becomes available for the children of the world to tap into . Additionally, those making the policies that affect the future and direction of our world are linked to precisely the same prayer fields that we will access during our vigil, and may benefit to the degree that they choose, even without direct participation

3. ibid, 1.


Thursday, February 28th, 2002

Join us in “Praying Peace” with the Indigo Children in the Middle East, April 20th, 2002, 6pm New York Time, 11pm UK, 8am April 21 in Sydney

(Please help spread this vigil by passing to everyone on your list)A Letter from Doreen Virtue, Gregg Braden and James Twyman:We have all been distressed by the escalating violence in the Middle East. Every day we hear stories of suicide bombings, tanks destroying entire villages, and the rising death toll. Most of us feel helpless, wanting to do something to help, but having no idea how.

We believe that prayer is the most powerful force in the Universe, and that we can use this power to shape a world based on compassion and love rather than conflict and war. It has been proven over and over.

Many of you have participated in other World-Wide prayer vigils we have sponsored in the past, and you have seen the dramatic results. Here’s one example: On November 13, 1998, war ships were preparing to launch an assault against the Iraqi people. Later that night millions of people in at least 80 countries stopped what they were doing for ten minutes to “Pray Peace” for that terrible situation. Little did we know that at the same moment people gathered to pray, President Clinton ordered the bombing to begin. The jets were in the air and the missiles were made ready.

But then something happened that no one expected. Twice that night President Clinton gave stand down orders and called the jets back to the ships. To this day no one knows exactly what happened, but it was as if the bombs could not fall with the force of so many people praying and sending their feelings of peace. At least for one night no bombs fell and no one died.

It’s time to activate the same initiative for the Middle East.

Many of you are aware of the role the children are playing in making a global transition into the New World. We believe that the adults have had their chance, and yet the struggle for power goes on. There are thousands of Indigo and Psychic Children in the Middle East, but they need our help to activate their influence. It may not be the traditional influence most of us are accustomed to, but one that is far more subtle. If we can send a wave a healing Light to the Children of the Middle East with the expressed purpose of activating their Spirits, we believe it will have a powerful effect on the whole region. They are the ones that may be able to end the violence, but only if given the chance.

Here’s what we are asking, and please pass this email to everyone you can. On April 20th, 6pm New York time, we ask that you join with as many people as you can and do three things.

1. “Feel” the emotion of peace prevailing in the Middle East. This is where the real magic is.

2. Imagine Israeli and Palestinian children responding to this call, using the power of their spirits to activate the healing energy that will bring peace to everyone in that region.

3. Sing a song that you all know: “Let There be Peace on Earth.” Music has a power that cannot be denied, and this song says it all. (words at bottom of page)

That’s it. Imagine if millions respond to this request. We believe that it may activate their souls to create the peace that evades the politicians. It’s the children we need to encourage now, and the rest of us will surely follow.

From James Twyman:

There has been so much talk of late about the Indigo and Psychic Children, and the role they have to play in creating a New World based on the ideals of compassion and love. But sometimes we forget our responsibility in helping them. We need to powerfully choose this world and work together in making it a reality. Mass prayer is one of the most powerful ways to do this. It simply works.

Please help activate the Children of the Middle East by joining millions of people in holding this vision. The Children will save the world, but we must take the first step.

From Gregg Braden:

Perhaps now, more than at any time in our history, the choices that we make in our lives, have lasting effects, and global consequences, that will extend for hundreds of generations into our future. In light of the escalating global tensions, focused locally in the Middle East, recent studies offer new hope, and renewed credibility to our most cherished traditions suggesting that we may “do something” about the seemingly unending cycles of violence, and future of our world.

Statistics have shown that a specific number of people, joined in a focused, unified consciousness of non-denominational mass prayer*, produce effects that extend well beyond the room or building where the prayer has occurred. These studies add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that focusing our feelings as if our prayers have already been answered, has a predictable and measurable effect on the quality of life during the time of the prayer.

In this instance, these findings invite us to feel appreciation and gratitude for peace, as if the peace in our world already exists, and give thanks for that peace. In this way, we open the door for even greater amounts of peace to be present.

Scientists suspect that the relationship between mass prayer and the effect of those prayers is due to a phenomenon known as the field effect of consciousness. It is this field effect that becomes available for the children of the world to “tap into”.

Additionally, those making the policies that affect the future and direction of our world are linked to precisely the same prayer fields that we will access during our vigil, and may benefit to the degree that they choose, even without direct participation

I invite you to join us for an empowering moment of unity, peace, prayer and possibility. Through our time together, we offer the power of life and peace to our children, and our world, both present and future.

Many thanks in advance for your willingness to make our world a better place!!

From Doreen Virtue:\

Since the time of Pythagorus, we’ve known that music can provide a healing component for bodies. Scientific studies ever since have shown the healing effect that music has on mental and physical health. And a channeled chapter on “Music” in my new book, “Messages from Your Angels” discusses how the molecules of music wrap us in a protective blanket that deflect away negative energies.

Now, we’re going to use this knowledge to reveal a powerful healing in the Middle East. Imagine the power of millions of children singing in innocent, angelic voices simultaneously. Now, imagine those voices joined by millions of adults with pure intentions of peace.

Please ask your children to sing “Let There be Peace on Earth” with us on April 20 (April 21 in Australia). We need each and every voice!

“Let There Be Peace on Earth”
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God as Creator, family all are we. Let us walk with each other in perfect Harmony. Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now. With every breath I take, let this be my joyous vow: To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me!


Excerpts from The Isaiah Effect

Friday, March 23rd, 2001

Excerpts from The Isaiah Effect
(Random House/Harmony Books 2000)
Pages 227-230
Nation Against Nation
At the birth of the twenty-first century, the conditions appear to be in place for a great polarization of world powers, bringing the threat of a global war well within the realm of possibility. Countries that have previously been viewed as less of a factor in global strategies are taking on new and unexpected roles in the unfolding drama that is reshaping our world.The last two years of the twentieth century, for example, saw a number of new countries joining the exclusive ranks of those possessing nuclear arms. Of particular note were the surprise weapons tests of India and Pakistan. In spite of adamant pleas for restraint by the United Nations Security Council, Russia, and the United States, the two technological rivals have continued to test their weapons in the interest of national security.

Though many scoff at the possibility of a global war, believing that the horrors of World War II are too fresh in our memory to allow such an event again, it is important to remain vigilant and discerning, and to recognize the significance of global events that, at first, may seem far away, with little relevance to home.

The late-century crisis in Kosovo offered an example of just such events. Though they appeared to casual observers to have “come out of nowhere,” the conflicts leading to the Kosovo crisis actually stem from centuries-old tensions in a portion of Eastern Europe that many analysts refer to as the “Balkan powder keg.” Following the ethnic cleansing and wartime atrocities witnessed by the world in Bosnia less than a decade before, the nations of the West were unwilling to allow a similar tragedy to continue in Kosovo. The intent, duration, and form of military intervention, however, were factors that divided even the allied forces attempting to intervene. The struggle for power in Eastern Europe offers a clear study on how regional strife may unexpectedly polarize the great powers of the world into precarious positions on opposite sides of the negotiating table.

The Balkan area is only one example of a political situation with vast military implications. As the United Nations monitors the events unfolding in Europe, it also continues to enforce an embargo and military restrictions on Iraq. Threatened by the buildup of chemical and biological weapons, Iraq has been viewed as yet another powder keg, this one in the Middle East. Even that country’s Arab neighbors, those traditionally considered to be its allies, disapprove of Iraq’s new weapons capabilities and the destabilization of what was already a delicate balance of power in a volatile part of the world.

During a time that many have considered relatively peaceful on a global scale, the last twenty years have, in fact, been a time of tragedy and tremendous suffering on a localized basis. The death toll resulting from separatist movements and religious and civil wars is estimated to be over four and a half million lives, a number representing the entire population of the state of Louisiana, or the entire country of Israel. When the conflict in Tibet is factored in, the loss of human life escalates by at least another million, and possibly more.

Locations of global tensions at the birth of the third millennium.
Location - Description of conflict - Lives lostBosnia/Herzegovina-Serb opposition to Independence - 200,000+
Kosovo -Kosovars struggle for Independence - 2,000+
Northern Ireland -Sectarian violence - 3,200
Haiti -Civil war leading to 1991 coup - ?
Chechnya -Muslims battle Russians/Independence- 40,000
Sri Lanka -Tamils battling Sinhalese since 1983- 56,000
Rwanda -Hutu majority battling Tutsi minority-800,000+
Republic of Congo -Civil war 10,000+
Somalia -Civil war 300,000+
Sudan -Muslims battling Christians - 1.9 mil
Angola -Civil war - 1.0 mil
Sierra Leone -Civil war - 3,000
Liberia -Civil war - 250,000
Algeria -Civil war - 65-80,000
Turkey -Civil war - 37,000
Tibet -Conflict between China/Tibet - 1.0 mil

*statistics as of first quarter 1999

These statistics certainly describe something other than a peaceful world! Until the late 1990s, however, such conflicts appeared to be localized and, though tragic, less relevant in the daily lives of the people of the Western world. Events late in 1998 and in 1999, however, changed our worldview, with mass media bringing the horror of regional conflicts and isolated wars into our homes and classrooms in a way never seen before. Additionally, situations such as the breakdown of peace negotiations between Israel and the state of Palestine, continued tensions in Northern Ireland, and a sudden leap in China’s nuclear technology contribute to what many scholars believe are the precursors of well-known prophecies tumbling into place, the global positioning of a third great war. The sheer number of conflicts presents a threat to global stability that becomes a greater possibility as tensions increase.